Choose the right education for the right business
LinkedIn is the world's largest network for professionals. In the training, you learn how to network, rather that sell, by leveraging the already existing trust in the network. You improve your company's marketing, sales and recruitment for more business on LinkedIn.
Olle Leckne is a professional networker and entrepreneur. He is also a well-known educator and coach in business networking for digital growth.
LinkedIn is today an important tool for recruitment and for making a career. LIexpert helps individuals and companies to put LinkedIn into practice through training, coaching and consulting services.
The company was founded in 2013 and in addition to services related to recruitment and careers, LIexpert invests in developing sales people and consultants in modern sales.
2,000 people / year attend one of LIexpert's courses
Digital education - online courses online - when and where it suits you
The course corresponds to 1 day of teacher-led training
Falugatan 3, 113 32 Stockholm
olle.leckne @
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