Swedens most attractive employer

View the opinions of more than 16 628 professionals in Sweden.

This preview of the 2022 Talent Survey, by Universeum, gives the rank of organizations when it comes to its potential to attract new recruits.

Understanding career aspirations and desirable industries identified by the respondents is of course important.

Get insights when it comes to recruiting and developing your employer branding strategy.

Top preferences by gender

Swedens most attractive employer
Top preferences by gender

As you can see there are some differences to take into account.

Most attractive employers IT in Sweden

Most attractive employers IT

This is the 100 list of most attractive employers in the IT sector. Which also ranks their capability of employer branding.

You can find other sector lists, that is of interest to you and your company.

About the survey

Swedens most attractive employers
Universeum survey 2022

Trust influences the decision to stay or leave their job

Most attractive employers
Trust impact

Interesting findings.

Good to reflect how trust and faith is experienced in everyday work environment.